Taro is the first food comes to mind when visiting Jiaxian. Most gourmands recommend “Sun Crown King” as the top choice for Jiaxian taro. The restaurant was founded in 1971 and is the most import rest stop for access in and out of Southern Cross-Island Highway. The restaurant is packed with tourists on the weekends and can sell more than hundreds of thousand taro pastries with strong and sweet savor.
The taro ice cream is made of premium Jiaxian taro with strong fragrance that dissolves in the mouth easily. Jiaxian taro is grown in humus soil with a special chewy texture appropriate for making traditional snacks. Taro also contains rich nutrients, with fiber content similar oats and iron content equivalent to apple as well as other vitamins.
Sun Crown King offers a variety of souvenirs made of local Jiaxian taro and using Chinese pastry skills. Second-generation owner Jun-Yuan Ceng mentioned: “We believe that we can only assure the quality with our own preparation and we don’t outsource to other factory. Quality is most important for our brand over the past 40 years.
「要為成功找方法,不要為失敗找理由。」對甲仙風土特色如數家珍的曾老闆顯然是個愛鄉人,他十分感性地說,想把甲仙這個地方當成樂園一樣來經營,並藉由這兒的名特產,將臺灣越來越稀薄的幸福感給找回來,傳遞給來甲仙遊玩的人們及他們的家鄉親友,這正是三冠王用心製作的伴手禮,想呈現給大家的濃濃情意。 pan style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 除了炭燜豬腳之外,一定要嚐嚐富貴香辣雞蝦球,鍋巴是令人懷念的好滋味,雞肉外酥內嫩,配上蝦子鮮甜的口感,福菜末鹹香提味。阿婆密傳的鳳梨蔭醬則廣泛運用在店裡的魚和野蓮菜餚,神奇的是,點這些菜來吃,看得到米醬,但看不到鳳梨,因為精華已經融合在菜裡了。 邱聿涵覺得自己很幸運,還能跟阿嬤學到鳳梨蔭醬。因為現在很多客家醃菜已經失傳。這客家女兒即使飄洋過海到法國學習,一心一意想的還是客家菜,留法期間,她曾經以客家菜讓法國媒體讚好,她說臺灣不只有小吃,客家菜一定可以成為臺灣菜餚的代表!
Locally recommended and best Jiaxian savor
Taro pastry, souvenir, taro pie, taro candies, taro cookie, taro mocha, taro ball, taro chip, taro caramel treat, and taro strips are all delicious products made of taro.
The restaurant has been awarded with “National Consumer Golden Prize” and “National Quality Assurance Product Golden Award” as well as the top ten Kaohsiung food. Owner Ceng mentioned: “We have no idea about the award but the savor has indeed been recognized by the consumers.”
”Fine method for success, don’t find excuse for failure.” Owner Cent loves his hometown Jiaxian and runs it like a theme park. He wishes to deliver the diminishing sense of happiness through this Taiwanese specialty to the people and friends visiting Jiaxian.
The owner strongly recommends taro cake, taro dumpling (not taro ball) and special bamboo shoot soup of Jiaxian.
Taro cake resembles turnip cake and is prepared at the booth in front of Sun Crown King. The taro cake comes with strong taro and mushroom fragrance.
Mushroom Taro Cake: Premium mushroom is selected to the taro cake. The taro cake infuses the savor of mushroom.
ADD: No.51, Wenhua Rd., Jiaxian Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: 07-6751316
Business Hours: Monday to Sunday 07:30~20:30(All year round)
Surrounding Attractions:Jiasian Bridge, Jiasian Park, Jiasian Fossil Museum, Long Feng Temple
Features: Taro cake, bamboo shoot soup, taro ball soup
Website: http://www.scking.com.tw
Transportation: Take Southern Cross-Island Highway and 20 Provincial Highway, head for Jiaxian. Or take Kaohsiung Bus to Jiaxian stop, then walk for 2 minutes.