目前分類:屏東 Pingtung (3)

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Wanluan Township in Pingtung is known as the “hometown of pig’s feet”, and it is the hub of the Hakka population in southern Taiwan, where the people are simple, honest, and down-to-earth. Immaculate Conception Minor Basilica is not only the oldest church in Taiwan but also a renowned tourist destination. In 1949, now prominent pig’s feet restaurants such as Haihong, Xiongjia and Wantai all opened business here, including Lin Family’s Pig’s Feet.


After marrying her husband Lin, the founder of Lin Family’s Pig’s Feet Yu-Mei Lin Chen setup a roadside stall to sell Hakka Bantiao (Rice Noodle) in Wanluan Township in order to increase family income. One day, she had an epiphany about serving pig’s feet as a side dish, therefore she decided to braise two pig’s feet to test the market; to her surprise, her idea took the market by storm. At the time, eating pork was considered a luxury, and she managed to sell 2 pig’s feet in the first day and 4 the following day, the number grew exponentially and her reputation was gradually established. As a result, pig’s feet became a mainstay product. In 1981, she collaborated with FamilyMart to launch the pig’s feet lunch box, which became an instant sensation.  


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