TAPA TAPA前身叫”Aloha”,成立於1978年,創辦人Jane早年任職清泉崗美國空軍基地,有著洋式作風與獨特魅力,跟老中、老外都能打成一片,據說美軍撤守臺灣後,還有不少美國大兵流連光顧。後來Jane醉心地中海風味美食,於1993年店名索性改為TAPA TAPA,至今也已有二十二年歷史。
What is “Tapas?” It is small snacks and appetizers in the west. Tapas are not only the national dish of Spain while French Chef Robuchon with the most number of Michelin stars worldwide admits that his restaurant implements the philosophy of Tapas. There is one Spanish restaurant in Dalong District, Taichung for over 30 years.
TAPA TAPA was previously known as “Aloha” and was established in 1978. Founder Jane used to work in the American air force base in Qiquangang with western styles and unique charisma. Jane was able to get along well with Chinese and foreigners. Many American solders stayed after the U.F. army retreated from Taiwan. Later Jane focuses on Mediterranean food and changed the name to TAPA TAPA in 1993.
TAPA TAPA擅長希臘、墨西哥、巴斯克、西班牙等風味菜。或許對Tapas不夠理解的人會想,為何這裡的食材有股「台味」?如果你願意聽聽每年有兩個月時間在歐美各地飛來飛去,鑽研異國美食與文化的Jane娓娓道來,你就能恍然明白,原來道地的西班牙Tapas風,講求的首要條件就是極度新鮮,亦即大量使用當地盛產食材。
就拿TAPA TAPA招牌巴塞隆納番紅花海鮮燉飯來說,選用五穀米佐海鮮高湯燉煮,是坊間絕對沒見過的獨特作法;裡頭的海鮮都是台中港當日親自現購,內容有魷魚、蛤蠣、花枝、蝦子等,加上豐富時蔬,最後還會附上一片檸檬。這裡的燉飯較一般濕潤,且帶有微微的檸檬酸味與芬芳的香氣,被老顧客稱譽:「吃過這家的燉飯,再也不想吃別家了。」另外深受女性顧客喜愛的「黑菇湯」,新鮮的菇類也是從台中新社產地當天直送,鮮香濃郁,是熟客口袋裡推薦必點的好湯。
樂在生活的Jane,熱情洋溢,也特別懷舊。身為大隆商圈主委,常不定期舉辦露天演唱,讓街頭人潮能感受異國氛圍,也雨露均霑帶動商圈買氣。她還把顧客當老朋友,總想保留多年口碑積累的特色風味。為好滋味長久傳續,有志學習手藝者,她都樂意傾囊相授,可望培訓成為TAPA TAPA的廚房新手。
Affordable and enthusiastic Latin cuisine
TAPA TAPA specializes in Greek, Mexican, Basque, and Spanish dishes. Some people may recognize the ingredients are local. The key to authentic Tapas is to use highly fresh ingredients, namely using large amount of locally produced ingredients.
The seafood here is purchased daily at Taichung port while mushroom is directly delivered by Taichung Xin Association. In terms of Barcelona saffron paella, the five-grain rice is stewed in seafood broth, topped with squid, clam, octopus, shrimp, seasonal vegetables, and finally lemon wedge. Moreover Catalan seafood squid ink risotto, Spanish tripe and fillet casserole, Basque Cod casserole, lamb chop stewed with vegetables, are all popular dishes that customers can enjoy the exotic style means and high CP through affordable price.
Jane is always happy and enthusiastic. As the director of Dalon commercial district often frequently holds and opens open performance. She treats customers well and is willing to give away.
Black mushroom soup is highly popular among female customers.
TAPA TAPA擅長希臘、墨西哥、巴斯克、西班牙等風味菜。圖為西班牙牛肚焗烤菲力肉。
TAPA TAPA specializes in Greek, Mexican, Basque, and Spanish dishes. Photo shows Spanish Tripe and Fillet Casserole.
Catalan Seafood squid ink risottos is also popular dish that customers can enjoy exotic meals at affordable price.
ADD: No. 12, Dalong Road, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan
TEL: -886-4-23236254
Business Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 11:00~22:00(closed on Mondays)
Peripheral sites: Jinming 1st Street commercial district, National Museum of Natural Science, Plant Garden, Park Lane, CMP Block Museum of Arts
Features: Barcelona Saffron Paella, Catalan Seafood Squid Ink Risotto, Spanish tripe and fillet casserole
Transportation: Take National Highway No. 1, get off Zhongqing Interchange, head directly to Meihua W. Street, turn right and get on Taiyuan Road to stay on the right lane. Connect on Jincheng Road, turn right to Dalong Road. Take Bus 57, 88, 106, 146 at Taichung Train station and get off Zhongming Elementary School stop, turn left to Jincheng Road and then to Dalong Road.