目前分類:臺中 Taichung (12)

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2016-04-15 【梅子餐廳 Meidz Seafood】與客人搏感情的現撈海鮮餐廳 The freshly fished seafood restaurant to communicate with customers. (1745) (1)
2016-04-15 【阿旺澄食堂 A Wang Cheng Eatery】道地的美食、傳統的食物 Authentic food, traditional food (2286) (0)
2016-01-22 【寧波風味小館 Ningbo Flavor Restaurant】翻轉人生的四大天王彩色鍋貼 Four Colorful Fried Dumplings Reversing Your Life (410) (0)
2016-01-22 【新天地餐飲集團 New Palace Internationl Co., Ltd. 】從三四張竹桌到上市上櫃的餐飲界傳奇 From several tables to the listed and OCT company, the legend in the catering business (556) (0)
2016-01-22 【新山味邵族風味餐 Thao dish, a new aboriginal flavor】一口吃下日月潭山產與特產精華 Having mountain foods and local special products of Sun Moon Lake in one bite (987) (0)
2016-01-22 【華美街臺中擔仔麵餐廳 Danxi Noodle Restaurant on Huamei Street】中部地區的高檔海鮮 (108) (0)
2016-01-22 【琵央卡義式餐廳 Bianca Pasta Restaurant】純淨本質自然取向 Pure and natural (712) (0)
2016-01-22 【嵐肉燥專賣店 Lan’s Minced Pork Shop】好吃到想感謝媽媽的愛 The love of mother (95) (0)
2016-01-22 【後引食堂 Atohiki Japanese Cuisine】日據正宗庶民料理 Authentic Japanese Cuisine of the people (598) (0)
2016-01-22 【東海漁村 Dong Hai Fish Village】豐富澎湃,價格平實 Rich and abundant at affordable price (922) (0)
2016-01-22 【TAPA TAPA西班牙風味餐廳 TAPA TAPA Spanish Restaurant】花木間的異國浪漫 Exotic Romance (652) (0)
2016-01-22 【三代福州意麵老店 Three generations of Fuzhou Noodle Restaurant】香傳百年的市場隱藏版 Over 100 years of historic market legend (406) (0)