目前分類:高雄 Kaohsiung (12)

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2016-04-18 【枝仔冰城 KI A PENG SIAN】兒時品嚐的第一口冰 First taste of ice in childhood (146) (0)
2016-04-18 【新國際西餐廳 N.I.R. Steak House】一口好牛排,一份新感動 The only prominent old Western restaurant in Kaohsiung (271) (0)
2016-02-23 【高雄枝仔冰城 KI A PENG SIAN】兒時品嚐的第一口冰 First taste of ice in childhood (81) (0)
2016-02-23 【新國際西餐廳 N.I.R. Steak House】高雄第一家西餐先鋒 The only prominent old Western restaurant in Kaohsiung (106) (0)
2016-01-22 【鄧師傅功夫菜 Chef Teng Restaurant】法式主廚的中式家常菜 French Chef’s Chinese Home Cooking (1280) (0)
2016-01-22 【海濱海產 Seashore Restaurant】吃船家菜竟然也能做公益? Eat fishermen’s dish and involve in charity at the same time (760) (0)
2016-01-22 【海王星餐廳 Haiwangxin Restaurant】讓鱷魚征服你的味蕾 Conquering your taste buds with alligators (2007) (0)
2016-01-22 【河邊餐飲集團 Her Bian Food & Beverage】傳香六百年的美味烤鴨之約 Delicious roasted duck passed down from 600 years ago (186) (0)
2016-01-22 【亞洲活海鮮 Asian Seafood & Beer House】有青才敢大聲!美食家焦桐的「非吃不可」“Fresh Seafood” The must-eat delicacy recommended by gourmands (2754) (0)
2016-01-22 【正忠排骨飯 Jengjong Spareribs】比臉大的排骨才叫大塊過癮 Nothing beats a piece of sparerib bigger than the face (2338) (0)
2016-01-22 【三冠王芋冰城 Sun Crown King】傳遞芋香濃濃的幸福感 Delivering the strong happiness of taro (241) (0)
2016-01-22 【人田美濃客家菜 Menong Hakka Dish】藍帶主廚客家菜 Hakka Dish from Blue Ribbon Chef (9631) (0)